


Google Lighthouse

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still updating...almost finish!


1. Intro.

2. Metrics

3. Metrics's Meaning

4. Metrics's Calculation

5. How to Use Google Lighthouse

6. Related tools

7. Intergration - Lighthouse CI

8. Best Practice

9. Reference

10. Conclusion | Takeaway | Wrap

1. Intro.

Automated auditing, performance metrics, and best practices for the web.
From Google Lighthouse Github About section.

My comment: Google Lighthouse 是網站的客觀評分工具。

2. Metrics - 5 Categories - 5 Scores

  1. Performance


  2. Accessibility


  3. Best Practice


  4. SEO - Search Engine Optimization


  5. PWA - Progressive Web App

    Many users of your page visit on a slow cellular network connection. Making your page load quickly on a mobile network helps to ensure a positive experience for your mobile users.
    Other refs:
    what are pwas
    Day 14 - PWA - ( Progressive Web Apps,PWA)


3. Metrics's Meaning | Impact

Impact :

  1. Bounce
  2. Conversation
  3. Page View

4. Metrics's Calculation

Weighted average vaule
Expand Performance, Accessibility,Best Practice

Best Practice

Each Best Practices audit is weighted equally in the Lighthouse Best Practices Score.

5. How to Use Google Lighthouse

  • Open Chrome DevTool

    F12 or Control + Shift + I then switch Tab to lighthouse

  • Add on Chrome Extension - lighthouse

  • Node CLI

6. Related tools

  • Web Vitals

    pictute from Fireship

    Tool : Chrome extension - Web Vitals
    Measure metrics for a healthy site
    Web Vitals are quality signals key to delivering great UX on the web (https://web.dev/vitals). This extension measures the Core Web Vitals, providing instant feedback on loading, interactivity and layout shift metrics. It is consistent with how these metrics are measured by Chrome and reported to other Google tools (e.g. Chrome User Experience Report, Page Speed Insights, Search Console).

  • Unlighthouse

    Like Google Lighthouse, but it scans every single page.

7. Intergration - Lighthouse CI

Automate running Lighthouse for every commit, viewing the changes, and preventing regressions

8. Best Practice

From official document

9. Reference

10. Conclusion | Takeaway | Wrap | Tips | 內化


# syntax 不用 謹慎用
1 await V
2 preload V
3 lazy loading V
4 srcset V
5 width,height V
# item 不用 謹慎用
1 advertise V
2 animation
3 SPA,SSR 看情境
4 asset 越小越好
6 Web Workers V


